Donald Sutherland hadde hovedrollen som kunstneren Paul Gauguin i filmen The Wolf at the Door (Danish: Oviri, French: Gauguin, le loup dans le soleil) i 1986. Oviri/Wolf at the Door is a Danish-French biographical drama film written and directed by Henning Carlsen. It is based on real life events of French artist Paul Gauguin. It was entered into the main competition at the 43rd Venice International Film Festival. Danske Henning Carlsen (1927-2014) er blant annet kjent fra filmatiseringen av Hamsuns bok "Sult" (Hunger) i 1966. I 1995 filmatiserte han også Hamsuns bok "Pan". Andre roller i Oviri:
Max von Sydow as August Strindberg, Sofie Gråbøl as Judith Molard, Jean Yanne as William Molard, Valeri Glandut as Annah, Ghita Nørby as Ida Molard. Bilde fra filmens deltakelse på filmfestivalen i Venezia i 1986.