Borgen Roštejn (tysk Rosenstein), seks kilometer nord for Telč i Jihlava District i Tsjekkia. Takket være sin beliggenhet på en steinete odde, det gir en god oversikt over de bøhmisk-moraviske høysletter.
Slottet ble bygget etter 1339 av brødrene Meinhard og Ulrich IV. Av Neuhaus. Først Viscount var Martin av Mutice (Mareš z Mutic). I det 16. århundre, ble slottet Zacharias av Hradec ombygd til en jakthytte. Veggene i hallen er dekorert med våpenskjold fra det 17. århundre. Det 53 meter høye heptagonal gotiske tårnet er tilgjengelig. Roštejn Castle. The Late-Gothic castle rises above a rocky hill in the romantic forests near the village of Doupě. It has gone through extensive repairs. From 2020 season in all its splendour. Roštejn was built by the Lords of Hradec in the first half of the 14 th century. This late-Gothic castle, which rises above the romantic landscape of Javořické vrchy, was built by the Lords of Hradec. The original name of the castle, Rosenstein, corresponds to the coat of arms of the family, which bears a five-petalled rose. The most signifiant redevelopment happened under Zachariáš of Hradec when a Renaissance hunting castle surrounded by a large game park appeared.
Despite its turbulent history, the castle has remained true to its hunting origins. This is evidenced by the recently opened interactive exhibition focused on nature, hunting and game management and featuring a unique botanical hall. The Chapel of St. Eustache and an atypical seven-sided tower offering a unique view of the surrounding forests are open to the public. (Bl.a.