To slørsopper. T.h. sennepsslørsopp, Cortinarius croceus, Gulskivig kanelspindling. Cortinarius croceus has yellow gills, a yellowish brown to olive brown cap, mild to radishlike odor and taste, and a dark red to reddish black reaction to KOH on the cap surface. It is officially a European species.
The mushrooms belong to subgenus Dermocybe of Cortinarius. Cap: 1.5-8 cm; convex or nearly conical at first, becoming broadly convex, flat, or broadly bell-shaped, sometimes with a sharp central bump; dry; silky; yellowish brown to olive brown, often aging to dark brown, especially over the center; the margin often more yellowish.
Gills: Attached to the stem but often pulling away from it in age; close or crowded; yellow at first becoming cinnamon to rusty; covered by a yellowish cortina when young; sometimes spotting and discoloring reddish brown.
Stem: 3-7 cm long; up to 1 cm thick at the apex, dry; silky with brownish fibers; yellowish above, sometimes olive brown to reddish brown below; sometimes with a rusty ring zone.