Rosehette, Mycena rosella, en liten til mellomstor hettesopp med en nydelig rosa hatt og rød skiveegg. Den har knapt noen forvekslingsarter. Rosehette vokser i barskog, ofte i store grupper i lyng og nåledekke. Den forekommer om høsten og er ganske vanlig over hele landet opp til Troms. Hatt klokkeformet til hvelvet, stripet, 0.5-1.5 cm. Ubetydelig lukt og smak. Uspiselig. Mycena rosella, commonly known as the pink bonnet, in the Mycenaceae family. Cap 5-20 mm, parabolical, convex to almost plane, with a small umbo or somewhat depressed, translucent-striate, bright pink, salmon pink to brownish pink, usually darker at the centre. Gills reaching the stem, dingy pink or pale pink, minutely punctate with reddish dots, the edge bright violet red or brownish red. Stem in young specimens dark brown at the apex and paler brown below, then reddish brown, becoming pale pink, yellowish pink to pale pinkish brown, the base densely covered with long, coarse, yellowish to whitish fibrils. Growing exclusively in coniferous woods, often in large groups on the needle beds. Autumn. Common all over Norway north to Troms.Den har knapt noen forvekslingsarter. Rosehette vokser i barskog, ofte i store grupper i lyng og nåledekke. Den forekommer om høsten og er ganske vanlig over hele landet opp til Troms. Hatt klokkeformet til hvelvet, stripet, 0.5-1.5 cm. Ubetydelig lukt og smak. Uspiselig. Mycena rosella, commonly known as the pink bonnet, in the Mycenaceae family. Cap 5-20 mm, parabolical, convex to almost plane, with a small umbo or somewhat depressed, translucent-striate, bright pink, salmon pink to brownish pink, usually darker at the centre. Gills reaching the stem, dingy pink or pale pink, minutely punctate with reddish dots, the edge bright violet red or brownish red. Stem in young specimens dark brown at the apex and paler brown below, then reddish brown, becoming pale pink, yellowish pink to pale pinkish brown, the base densely covered with long, coarse, yellowish to whi
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