Tåresneglehatt. Limacella guttata, weeping slimecap. Typisk er dråpene på stilken oppunder hatten, over den kraftige ringen. En blek sopp med hvite skiver. Øsa. A mushroom-forming fungus in the family Amanitaceae. Limacella guttata is found in Europe and North America, where it grows in damp woodlands typically dominated by deciduous plants such as ash, beech, and elm. The specific epithet guttata is derived from Latin, meaning "with droplets". Limacella is a small genus of slimy gilled mushrooms with white spore prints and gills that are free from the stem. In old age the slime on some Limacella species can dry up, and they are then likely to be confused with members of the Lepiota family. When young they can approximate the Waxy Caps, but do not have thick, waxy gills that are broadly attached to the stem.
DNA studies have apparently confirmed the traditional view (based primarily on microscopic observation of the gills) that Limacella is closely related to Amanita, though collectors are not likely to confuse the two genera. It is unclear whether species of Limacella are saprobic or mycorrhizal