Reddikhette, Mycena pura, en mellomstor til stor, kraftig hettesopp. Kan variere mye i fargen, som regel varianter av fiolett. Sterk reddiklukt. Hatt klokkeformet til hvelvet med pukkel, 3-5 cm bred. Lilla i ulike nyanser, hygrofan, stripet kant, skivene bleklilla og utrandete, stilk 4-7 cm, lilla med lodden basis. Reddikaktig lukt, snerpende smak. Trolig noe giftig. Vokser sommer og høst i løvskog og barskog, og er temmelig vanlig i hele landet.
Mycena pura, commonly known as the lilac bonnet is a species of mushroom in the family Mycenaceae. One of the most beautiful species of Mycena, this widely distributed mushroom is found in decomposing forest litter under conifers. It features a strong, radishlike odor and taste, and a cap that is convex, flat, or broadly bell-shaped at maturity. The colors are variable. When young and fresh, almost always lilac or purple,-but as the mushroom matures other hues may predominate. White or yellowish specimens are often encountered, as well as pink, pinkish brown, and even reddish specimens.