Flora - Flowers - Plants
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28 imagesAlien and invasive plants in Norway. Fremmede arter, ofte med uønsket spredning i norsk natur. Planter fra den norske fremmedartlista. Fremmede arter er en oversikt over arter som ikke er naturlig hjemmehørende i Norge. Artene er rangert i ulike kategorier som hver sier noe om hvor høy økologisk risiko artene har i Norge.
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58 imagesStephen Barstow have collected edible plants for decades. He have tried mayby 4000 speices and varieties. Now he have about 2000 in his garden. That is in Malvik outside Trondheim in Norway.
134 imagesImages of some of the wild and edible berries that are enjoyed in Norway and other Scandinavian countries. Harvesting food in the nature.
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166 imagesPhoto gallery with wild flowers in Norway. Some are typically wildflowers in Scandinavia, some are more rare.
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85 imagesThere are hundreds of species and thousands of beautiful hybrids of roses. Here some of them, from different countries.
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53 imagesImages that show some of the wonderful and healthy crops that can be harvested in kitchen gardens and on farm land.
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